For more resources, click here.

Do you want to talk to someone about issues that you are facing as a crime victim or witness? Do you need services such as crisis counseling, safety planning, advocacy with other agencies, and assistance in determining eligibility and applying for crime victim compensation through the New York State Office of Victim Services?

Our trained counselors and advocates are ready to help you. Call the Victim Services Unit at (718) 250-3820.

The Kings County District Attorney’s Office recognizes that being a victim of, or witness to, a crime can be a traumatic and confusing experience, and we will do everything we can to help you. We are committed to getting you the information and assistance you need.

Rights of Crime Victims in New York State

Language Assistance Services

New York State Office of Victim Services
The National Center for Victims of Crime
National Organization for Victim Assistance

Our Services Include

    • crisis counseling
    • safety planning
    • court escort
    • advocacy with other agencies
  • physical and mental health referrals
  • assistance to eligible applicants in filing for financial and medical bill reimbursement through the NYS Office of Victim Services


Trained counselors and advocates are available to meet with you and your family in a warm, safe environment located conveniently inside the District Attorney’s Office at 350 Jay Street in downtown Brooklyn.

The Victim Services Unit provides safety, support, advocacy and information to all individuals who have been criminally victimized in Brooklyn.

VINE – Victim Information & Notification Everyday provides crime and release data on all defendants who were arrested and is available 24 hours.

The Victim Services Unit also operates several specialized programs that ensure all victims receive support and services appropriate to their needs. These programs include:

  • PROJECT SHIELD A program designed to meet the needs of victims of sexual assault and / or domestic violence who have disabilities.
  • KCDA PRIDE CONNECT A program designed to empower and assist LGBTQIA+ survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault.
  • TEEN DATING VIOLENCE PROGRAM A program designed to support victims of intimate partner violence between the ages of 13 and 24.
  • ELDER ABUSE UNIT A program designed to support victims aged 60 years or older who have experienced parental abuse (including parents, grandparents, great-grandparents), intimate partner violence, and abuse by caregivers.

If you feel you have been discriminated against in the delivery of any Victim Services Unit’s program services, please click here.

Contact Us

  • Hours of Operation:
    Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 6 PM.
  • Telephone for assistance and information:
    (718) 250-3820.
  • Para asistencia e información llame a:
    (718) 250-3820.

If you have a problem, such as fraud, harassment, bad checks, drug markets, or a landlord/tenant problem, call the DA’s ACTION CENTER at (718) 250-2340 or Email: They will help determine how best to resolve your problem. For example, they might refer your complaint to the police or another government agency for an investigation, or advocate on your behalf for an immediate resolution to the problem.


Victim Services 718-250-3820
Domestic Violence Bureau 718-250-3300
Elder Abuse Helpline 718-250-5299
Human Trafficking Unit 718-250-2770
Homicide Bureau 718-250-2400
Brooklyn Family Justice Center 718-250-5111 
Victim Services 718-250-3820
Hate Crimes 718-250-4949


NYPD Special Victims Division 24 Hour Hotline 646-610-7272
Safe Horizon 24 Hour Domestic Violence Hotline 800-621-HOPE (4673)
NYS Office of Victim
Services (for Victim’s Compensation)
Safe Horizon Community
Program Helpline
Suicide Prevention 212-673-3000
New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner (OCME 212-447-2030 
Office of Vital Records (for Death Certificates) 212-639-9675
Brooklyn Property Office 718-624-5364
Surrogate’s Court 347-404-9700
Social Security 1-800-772-1213
NYC HRA Office of Burial Services
NYS Worker’s Compensation
National Crime Victim Bar Association:
VINE 1-888-VINE-4-NY